The Case for Complementarity: A Review of Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Redesign: A Response to Evangelical Feminism
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Redesign: A Response to Evangelical Feminism Free Download
Are you looking for a book that will help you understand God's design for gender roles in marriage, family, church, and society? Do you want to learn how to respond biblically to the challenges and questions raised by evangelical feminism? If so, then you should download Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Redesign: A Response to Evangelical Feminism, a classic book that has been updated and revised for a new generation.
This book is written by John Piper and Wayne Grudem, two respected theologians and pastors who have devoted their lives to studying and teaching God's word. They have gathered contributions from other scholars and leaders who share their vision of complementarity, which affirms that men and women are equal in value and dignity, but different in roles and functions. Together, they present a comprehensive and compelling case for the biblical view of manhood and womanhood, and address the objections and arguments of evangelical feminism.
In this article, we will give you an overview of the main arguments and themes of the book, and show you how you can download it for free. We will also explain why this book is relevant and important for Christians today, especially in a culture that is increasingly confused and hostile to God's design for gender roles. We hope that this article will inspire you to read the book for yourself, and apply its truths to your life and ministry.
The Biblical Vision of Manhood and Womanhood
One of the main goals of the book is to present a positive and beautiful vision of what it means to be a man or a woman according to God's design. The authors argue that God created men and women in his image, with equal worth and dignity, but also with distinct roles and functions that complement each other. They call this view complementarity, which means that men and women are not interchangeable or identical, but rather complete and enrich each other.
The Complementarian View of Gender Roles
What does it mean to be a complementarian? According to the authors, it means to affirm that God has assigned different roles and responsibilities to men and women in marriage, family, church, and society, based on their gender. These roles are not arbitrary or oppressive, but rather reflect God's wisdom and goodness, and his purpose for creating men and women.
How does complementarity reflect God's design and glory? The authors explain that complementarity is rooted in the nature of God himself, who exists as a Trinity of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three persons of the Trinity are equal in essence and attributes, but different in roles and relations. The Son submits to the Father, and the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. Yet there is no inequality or disharmony among them, but rather perfect unity and love. Similarly, men and women are equal in essence and attributes, but different in roles and relations. The husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church, and the wife submits to her husband, as the church submits to Christ. Yet there is no inequality or disharmony among them, but rather mutual respect and love.
What are the benefits of complementarity for marriage, family, church, and society? The authors contend that complementarity is not only good for God's glory, but also for human flourishing. When men and women embrace their God-given roles and functions, they experience joy and fulfillment in their relationships. They also display a powerful testimony of God's grace and truth to a lost and broken world. Complementarity promotes harmony, stability, order, beauty, and fruitfulness in every sphere of life.
The Egalitarian View of Gender Roles
What does it mean to be an egalitarian? According to the authors, it means to reject or minimize the differences between men and women in terms of roles and functions. Egalitarians argue that men and women are not only equal in value and dignity, but also in authority and responsibility. They claim that gender roles are not based on God's design, but rather on human culture or tradition. They advocate for equal rights and opportunities for men and women in every area of life.
How does egalitarianism challenge the traditional understanding of gender roles? The authors point out that egalitarianism is influenced by secular feminism, which views gender roles as oppressive and discriminatory. Egalitarians reinterpret or ignore the biblical texts that teach complementarity, and accuse complementarians of being sexist or patriarchal. They also appeal to experience or pragmatism as their basis for determining gender roles.
What are the problems and consequences of egalitarianism for marriage, family, church, and society? The authors warn that egalitarianism is harmful for God's glory and human flourishing. When men and women deny or distort their God-given roles and functions, they experience confusion and conflict in their relationships. They also undermine a clear testimony of God's grace and truth to a lost and broken world. Egalitarianism erodes harmony, stability, order, beauty, and fruitfulness in every sphere of life.
The Biblical Response to Evangelical Feminism
Another main goal of the book is to provide a biblical response to the challenges and questions raised by evangelical feminism. The authors argue that evangelical feminism is not faithful to the authority and sufficiency of scripture, and that it misinterprets or misapplies the biblical texts on gender roles. They propose that we should interpret and apply the scriptures according to sound hermeneutical principles and methods, ```html at a faithful and consistent understanding of these passages.
The Hermeneutical Issues in Interpreting Gender-Related Texts
How do complementarians and egalitarians approach the biblical texts on gender roles differently? The authors explain that complementarians and egalitarians have different presuppositions and methods when they interpret the scriptures. Complementarians believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God, and that it has a coherent and unified message that transcends culture and time. They use a grammatical-historical method of interpretation, which seeks to understand the original meaning and intention of the biblical authors in their historical and literary context. They also use a canonical method of interpretation, which seeks to understand how the biblical texts relate to each other within the whole canon of scripture. Egalitarians, on the other hand, believe that the Bible is a human product that reflects the cultural and historical limitations of its authors. They use a historical-critical method of interpretation, which seeks to identify and evaluate the sources, forms, and traditions behind the biblical texts. They also use a contextual method of interpretation, which seeks to apply the biblical texts to contemporary situations and issues.
What are the principles and methods of sound biblical interpretation? The authors propose that we should follow some basic principles and methods when we interpret the scriptures, such as:
Recognize the authority and sufficiency of scripture as God's word.
Seek to understand the original meaning and intention of the biblical authors in their historical and literary context.
Compare scripture with scripture, and interpret unclear passages in light of clear passages.
Consider the genre, style, structure, and purpose of each biblical text.
Respect the diversity and unity of the biblical revelation.
Apply the biblical texts to our lives and situations in a faithful and relevant way.
How can we avoid misreading or twisting the scriptures to fit our preferences or agendas? The authors caution that we should be aware of some common pitfalls and errors when we interpret the scriptures, such as:
Ignoring or rejecting the plain meaning of the biblical texts.
Imposing our own assumptions or biases on the biblical texts.
Selecting or isolating certain biblical texts to support our views.
Contradicting or undermining other biblical texts or doctrines.
Using faulty logic or reasoning to draw conclusions from the biblical texts.
Misapplying or abusing the biblical texts for our own purposes or interests.
The Exegetical Analysis of Key Gender-Related Texts
What are some of the most controversial and debated passages on gender roles in the Bible? The authors identify some key gender-related texts that are often used by egalitarians to support their views, such as:
Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25; 3:1-24 - The creation and fall of man and woman.
Judges 4-5 - The story of Deborah, a female judge and prophetess.
Romans 16:1-16 - The greetings to various women who served in the church.
Galatians 3:28 - The statement that there is neither male nor female in Christ.
Ephesians 5:21-33 - The instructions for husbands and wives to submit to one another and love one another.
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 - The discussion about head coverings for men and women in worship.
1 Corinthians 14:33-40 - The prohibition for women to speak in church.
1 Timothy 2:8-15 - The restriction for women to teach or exercise authority over men in church.
How do complementarians and egalitarians interpret these passages differently? The authors provide a detailed exegetical analysis of each passage, showing how complementarians interpret them according to their grammatical-historical and canonical methods, and how egalitarians interpret them according to their historical- critical and contextual methods. They also show how each interpretation affects other biblical texts or doctrines related to gender roles.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of each interpretation? The authors evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each interpretation, based on the following criteria:
The consistency and coherence of the interpretation with the context and purpose of the passage.
The accuracy and reliability of the interpretation with the original meaning and intention of the biblical author.
The harmony and compatibility of the interpretation with the rest of the biblical revelation.
The relevance and applicability of the interpretation to our lives and situations today.
How can we arrive at a faithful and consistent understanding of these passages? The authors conclude that the complementarian interpretation is more faithful and consistent than the egalitarian interpretation, based on the following reasons:
The complementarian interpretation respects the authority and sufficiency of scripture as God's word.
The complementarian interpretation seeks to understand the original meaning and intention of the biblical authors in their historical and literary context.
The complementarian interpretation compares scripture with scripture, and interprets unclear passages in light of clear passages.
The complementarian interpretation considers the genre, style, structure, and purpose of each biblical text.
The complementarian interpretation respects the diversity and unity of the biblical revelation.
The complementarian interpretation applies the biblical texts to our lives and situations in a faithful and relevant way.
The Practical Implications of Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
The final goal of the book is to show the practical implications of recovering biblical manhood and womanhood for our lives and ministries. The authors argue that complementarity is not only a theological doctrine, but also a practical application. They explain how we can apply complementarity in our marriage and family life, and in our church life and ministry. They also address some common questions and objections that people may have about complementarity.
The Application of Complementarity in Marriage and Family Life
What are the roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives according to the Bible? The authors affirm that God has assigned different roles and responsibilities to husbands and wives in marriage, based on their gender. The husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church, and he is called to love his wife as Christ loved the church. The wife is the helper of the husband, as the church is the helper of Christ, and she is called to submit to her husband as to the Lord. These roles are not based on ability or preference, but on God's design and command. They are also not mutually exclusive or competitive, but interdependent and cooperative.
How can husbands love their wives as Christ loved the church? The authors suggest that husbands can love their wives in various ways, such as:
Leading their wives spiritually, by praying for them, reading the Bible with them, worshiping with them, and helping them grow in their faith.
Protecting their wives physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, by providing for their needs, guarding them from harm, supporting them in their struggles, and caring for their well-being.
Serving their wives sacrificially, by putting their interests above his own, giving up his rights for her sake, being humble and gentle with her, and laying down his life for her.
Honoring their wives respectfully, by valuing their opinions, listening to their concerns, appreciating their contributions, praising their virtues, and cherishing their beauty.
How can wives respect their husbands as the head of the household? The authors suggest that wives can respect their husbands in various ways, such as:
Following their husbands' leadership, by trusting their decisions, cooperating with their plans, supporting their goals, and honoring their authority.
Helping their husbands' ministry, by using their gifts, skills, and resources to assist them in their work, encouraging them in their challenges, and partnering with them in their mission.
Affirming their husbands' identity, by acknowledging their strengths, accepting their weaknesses, respecting their differences, and celebrating their achievements.
Loving their husbands' unconditionally, by being faithful to them, forgiving them, comforting them, and delighting in them.
How can parents raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord? The authors affirm that God has entrusted parents with the responsibility and privilege of raising their children according to his will. They suggest that parents can raise their children in various ways, such as:
Teaching them God's word, by reading it to them, explaining it to them, memorizing it with them, ```html Training them in God's ways, by setting an example for them, giving them instructions and commands, correcting them and disciplining them, and rewarding them and blessing them.
Loving them with God's love, by showing them affection and kindness, spending time with them and listening to them, praying for them and with them, and pointing them to Christ and his gospel.
The Application of Complementarity in Church Life and Ministry
What are the roles and responsibilities of elders and deacons according to the Bible? The authors affirm that God has assigned different roles and responsibilities to elders and deacons in the church, based on their gender. Elders are the overseers and shepherds of the church, who are called to teach and preach God's word, to lead and govern God's people, and to care for and protect God's flock. Deacons are the servants and helpers of the church, who are called to assist the elders in their ministry, to meet the physical and practical needs of the church, and to promote the unity and harmony of the church. The authors argue that eldership is reserved for qualified men only, while deaconship is open for both qualified men and women.
How can men exercise godly leadership and teaching in the church? The authors suggest that men can exercise godly leadership and teaching in various ways, such as:
Studying and handling God's word rightly, by being diligent and faithful in their preparation, being clear and accurate in their presentation, being relevant and applicable in their application, and being humble and teachable in their attitude.
Leading and governing God's people wisely, by being visionary and strategic in their direction, being decisive and courageous in their action, being accountable and responsible in their stewardship, and being servant-hearted and compassionate in their motivation.
Caring for and protecting God's flock faithfully, by being attentive and responsive to their needs, being supportive and encouraging to their growth, being watchful and alert to their dangers, and being prayerful and dependent on God's grace.
How can women serve and contribute to the church in various ways? The authors suggest that women can serve and contribute to the church in various ways, such as:
Using their gifts, skills, and resources to edify the church, by teaching other women or children, by leading or participating in various ministries or activities, by giving or sharing generously with others, by hosting or welcoming others into their homes.
Supporting and complementing the male leadership of the church, by respecting their authority and following their guidance, by praying for them and encouraging them, by giving them feedback and advice, by working with them and not against them.
Modeling and mentoring godly womanhood to other women or girls, by living out the biblical principles and values of womanhood, by sharing their experiences and wisdom with others, by discipling and counseling others, by influencing and impacting others for Christ.
How can the church equip and empower both men and women for ministry according to their gifts and callings? The authors propose that the church should equip and empower both men and women for ministry in various ways, such as:
Recognizing and affirming the equal value and dignity of men and women as image-bearers of God and co-heirs of Christ.
Teaching and applying the biblical vision of manhood and womanhood as God's design and command.
Providing opportunities and resources for men and women to discover and develop their gifts, skills, and passions for ministry.
Encouraging and supporting men and women to pursue and fulfill their callings for ministry.
Celebrating and appreciating the diversity ```html and women as co-workers for Christ.
In this article, we have given you an overview of the main arguments and themes of the book Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Redesign: A Response to Evangelical Feminism. We have also shown you how you can download it for free. We hope that this article has inspired you to read the book for yourself, and apply its truths to your life and ministry.
We believe that this book is relevant and important for Christians today, especially in a culture that is increasingly confused and hostile to God's design for gender roles. We believe that recovering biblical manhood and womanhood is not only a matter of obedience to God's word, but also a matter of joy and fulfillment in God's will. We believe that complementarity is not only good for God's glory, but also fo